Young Professionals
Are You a CPA 35 Years Old or Younger?
The Florida Institute of CPAs is the state's premier membership association for CPAs and finance professionals. We're here to help you through every stage of your career in a rapidly changing profession.
Take advantage of all that your career has to and have fun with other CPAs in Florida and gain a competitive edge that will help shape your future. The Young CPAs Committee was formed just for you with a mission to identify services and benefits valuable to young CPAs and develop opportunities to engage in professional development and networking socials.
Grow Your Career With Our Engagement Opportunities and Resources
Leadership Academy

The FICPA Leadership Academy is a selective, leadership opportunity for young CPAs looking to grow as a leader, and expand their professional network all while earning CPE! Thirty candidates will be chosen to attend four separate interactive sessions, located around the state, where they will learn valuable leadership skills and strategies that empower them to become leaders within their organizations, communities and the CPA profession.
Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

Expand your leadership skills by serving on a chapter board or statewide committee. As you learn and grow, you can step up to serve as a committee chair or maybe even as a member of our Council or Board of Directors.
Horizon Awards

Awarded every two years, the Horizon Award recognizes young CPAs who are accelerating the accounting profession through professional experience, leadership, entrepreneurism and professional credentials.
Give Back To Your Community

Each year the YCPA Committee leads the profession in an annual statewide CPA Day of Service. Across the state, CPAs of every age demographic will gather together to give back to their communities. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference in your community.
Young CPA Network

If you are looking for a way to get involved with your local young CPAs network, look no further. We have every opportunity in one place for you.

Engage with other young professionals at social, networking and educational events. Whether you enjoy axe throwing, golfing, watching sporting events or maybe you prefer wine tastings or micro-brewery tours, our specialized programs offer something for everyone.
Career Opportunities

Find your next opportunity with the FICPA Career Center. Check out the job listings and post your resume.
Have a question or suggestion, we're here to help!
Contact Lindsey Buck, Career Development Manager